Home Lifestyle 11 times Sajal Aly gave us major style goals | The Express Tribune

11 times Sajal Aly gave us major style goals | The Express Tribune

11 times Sajal Aly gave us major style goals | The Express Tribune



Sajal Aly, with her extraordinary acting prowess, has established herself as a powerhouse performer in the world of Pakistani entertainment. Her ability to breathe life into diverse characters with depth and authenticity is truly commendable. Whether portraying emotionally charged roles or bringing nuance to complex characters, Sajal consistently delivers performances that resonate with audiences. 

While her range and versatility as an actor have garnered widespread acclaim, making her a celebrated figure in the industry, Sajal is also quite the fashion-forward star. While her Instagram game is fairly divisive, with fans demanding more from the actor, Sajal has some absolute A-game gems on her Instagram profile which prove that the star knows how to kill the style game. 

Let’s go all the way back. Here is mini Sajal serving some serious French-baby vibes

And here she is, proving that she’s God’s favourite, because not everyone can pull off bangs

Imagine standing in front of the sea and still being the main attraction. That’s Sajal for you, folks

This post led to a battle in the comments, but it’s Sajal’s simplicity that makes us fall in love with her, over and over again

Here she is again, in velvet green, and honestly? Slay, queen

In this post, Sajal proves that she can take simple attire and make it look regal, just with her presence

And here? Sajal as a bride? Yeah, incomparable. Prettiest, most stunning bride ever

We also can’t forget about the time she channelled her inner Poo with this modest tribute. She’s Pakistan’s Soniya, indeed

THIS. The flowing blue gown. The fact that it’s Western, but modest. The sleek bun. It’s just beyond spectacular

We also cannot forget the time when Sajal looked like she belonged in a Taylor Swift song

And finally, Sajal serving some major style goals in black

The fact that Sajal is a holistic star, who possesses incredible acting chops, nails the style game, speaks well, and holds immense power in her eyes, is beyond belief. Kudos to the actor, and may she continue to rule our hearts for years to come. 

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