Home Lifestyle Sarah Ferguson gives health update after second ‘shock’ cancer diagnosis

Sarah Ferguson gives health update after second ‘shock’ cancer diagnosis

Sarah Ferguson gives health update after second ‘shock’ cancer diagnosis


The Duchess of York has said she is in “shock” after being diagnosed with a malignant melanoma less than a year after undergoing surgery for breast cancer, but added that she remains in “good spirits”.

Sarah Ferguson, the mother of Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, said she was taking some time for herself after being diagnosed with skin cancer – her second bout of the disease in a year following her treatment for breast cancer last summer.

She broke her silence for the first time since the news emerged in a post on Instagram, where she thanked the medical team and confirmed that she is now resting at home with her family.

Fergie’s cancer diagnosis is just the latest health scare to impact the royal family in recent days. Kate, the Princess of Wales is in hospital recuperating after undergoing successful abdominal surgery last week.

She was visited by her husband Prince William at The London Clinic after the planned procedure, which is said to be a routine one.

And King Charles revealed he would go into hospital this week for treatment for an enlarged prostate. His condition was described as “benign” and he is expected to attend hospital for a corrective procedure.

During a visit to Swindon on Monday, Queen Camilla told a member of the public that Charles is “fine” as he prepares to undergo treatment.

Jessie Jackson, 86, from Swindon, said that she shook the Queen’s hand and asked her how Charles was doing.

Sarah Ferguson shared a photo of herself smiling and dressed a vivid red warm winter coat while leaning on a small bridge over a river, seemingly in Austria


Camilla thanked her for asking and said he was “fine”. Both senior royals have cancelled upcoming public appearances and commitments so they can recuperate.

The Duke of York‘s ex-wife shared a photo of herself smiling and dressed in a vivid red warm winter coat while leaning on a small bridge over a river, seemingly in Austria.

The duchess, who underwent a mastectomy and reconstructive surgery last year, recuperated at the MAYRLIFE Clinic in Austria after being treated in London.

The duchess, 64, said: “I have been taking some time to myself as I have been diagnosed with malignant melanoma, a form of skin cancer, my second cancer diagnosis within a year after I was diagnosed with breast cancer this summer and underwent a mastectomy and reconstructive surgery.

“It was thanks to the great vigilance of my dermatologist that the melanoma was detected when it was.

“Naturally another cancer diagnosis has been a shock but I’m in good spirits and grateful for the many messages of love and support.”

Sarah Ferguson has thanked royal wellwishers for their support this week


The duchess also praised the medics who cared for her, adding: “I believe my experience underlines the importance of checking the size, shape, colour and texture and emergence of new moles that can be a sign of melanoma and urge anyone who is reading this to be diligent.

“I am resting with family at home now, feeling blessed to have their love and support,” she said.

She joined the other senior royals for the annual Christmas get-together at the Sandringham estate in eastern England in December, a sign she was back in the royal fold.

A spokesman said on Sunday that she was undergoing further investigations to ensure the disease had been caught in the early stages.

Since her divorce from Prince Andrew in 1996 she has forged a new career as a successful author. However, she remains close to her former husband and they still share the same family home in Windsor.

Additional reporting by agencies


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